Aloevera-Papaya Gel

Benefits of Aloevera-Papaya Gel

Diving deep into the pores, papaya gel lightens up the skin and cleans it thoroughly. Papaya is Moisturizing, helps clear pigmentation, reduces dark circles and tan. Aloe Vera gel is best for daily use. It quickly absorbs into the skin and is the most effective post shower. The gel forms a breathable layer over the skin, which nourishes, and protects the skin from pollution and dust. It's a perfect moisturizer to have handy.

Aloevera - Pappaya gel used for

Suitable for all skin types, it can be used to soothe nappy rashes, moisturise rough knees, clear acne, tighten pores, remove blemishes and scars, soothe insect bites and heals inflammation. Features: Revitalizing facial gel that removes dullness to leave skin bright and clear.

 Papaya gel for skin whitening

Cleanse and tone your face. Apply small blobs on your cheeks, chin, nose, forehead, and neck, and massage evenly on your face and neck in a circular motion. Leave it on and watch your skin glow.

Dr. Rashel Skin Whitening lightweight Gel formula with combination of Niacinamide & Arbutin provide protection to the skin from environmental damage and helps to improve hydration, skin tone and provide radiant glow to the skin.

Acts as a Skin Moisturizer

Papaya face gel is a blessing for healing dry skin conditions and moisturizing your skin. Since it has an abundant supply of antioxidants and enzymes, it aids in treating dry and oily skin. Papaya pulp used on the face leaves the skin feeling smooth and glowing.

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